Mibbians please help me

I have a project I need to do for summer school and we have to "interview" three people. A parent, peer, and adult. All I need is an adult but I don't know any adults I could ask other than my parents.

So any 18+ Mibbians, could you please answer these three question?

1. What is your understanding of the term conscience?
2. What is your understanding of the term choice?
3. What might the connection be between these two terms?
4. How do you view society's understanding of these two terms?

Any thoughtful answers would be great. ^^

And not to make this entry pointless, here's some stories I'm plugging:

White Space by Lykwoah
Iron Scented Dandelions by azure.
Just Breathe by for shame!

Please read them, I think all of them are extremely great. :]

On another note, I have summer school. It's surprisingly okay but I dread waking up so early. At least I can nap in the afternoon. But I have tons of homework. Still. It's okay. :P

How's everyone's summer going? I envy all of you who are not in summer school.
July 6th, 2011 at 10:27pm