My first day of work! And there was a car accident down the street.

So, I just got back from my very first day of work! It wasn't what I was expecting. It wasn't bad, but I got yelled at...a lot, but by multiple customers. My boss said I was right, though, and the customer shouldn't have yelled at me, so at least my boss doesn't hate me yet. ;)

But I never realized how many people that I go to school with work there. It's crazy, it was like walking down the halls of high school again, haha. It made things much easier.


Aside from a decent day at work, I was on my way home and there's a Lens Crafters right down the street. A car went straight through the front of the building. I'm guessing it was an old person or someone on the phone. There have been multiple accidents like that around here and it's ALWAYS one of the two.


Speaking of! I wish I could drive. Well, I can, I have my license and everything, but I don't have a car. I'm hoping to get one for my birthday, but we'll see.
July 7th, 2011 at 01:56am