I wanna read something GIRLY :3

HEY MIBBA! It's been yonks, eh?

So update on my life: my mother called me a slut yesterday, just because I want to stay on birth control as a precautionary measure. I'm not doing it out of permiscuity, I swear I just REALLY don't want to be pregnant. I think that's reasonable. And it does wonders to your skin, really.

I've been grounded for the past 2 months, summer is no fun for me as I am not allowed to see anyone. My mother found my weed, that's why i'm grounded if you were wondering.

I ended things with Nathan on my birthday...I'm very lonely now but I don't miss him. I kind of realized he's actually pretty annoying. I see him a lot though because our best friends started dating the second we 'broke up'. Whatever.

Anyway, what I want is to read something incredibly girly. Lovey dovey teenage shizz. But I have rules, dammit!

1) Original fiction. I absoloutely despise reading fanfics...or starting something, thinking it's an original and then finding out these people EXIST :O
2) PG-13 or R. I'm sorry. I'm a dirty pervert. You know what I want.
3) No slash. Boy and girl romance.
4) No vampire, werewolf, arranged marraige, supernatural weirdo stuff. A highschool relationship fic - PUHLEASE.

That will be all, my lovely creatures. If you would be so kind as to share your artwork wiht me I will present you with something just as wonderful:

I'm writing a one-shot based on One Man Drinking Games. Gorgeous song.

-Steph :)
July 7th, 2011 at 07:18am