So, I met two hot guys today. Mission accomplished.

Well, I needed to gush over how amazing this new guy is-- so, I apologize beforehand.

So, well-- he was wearing red.
I think red on a guy is just...insanely sexy.
And gray.
Gray= droooooool.
But anyway--i finally like a guy.
And I'm actually okay with liking him.
And, the fact that I might not ever see him again-- is probably the reason why I'm not talking myself out of liking him.
And even if I do see him again...I'd probably be the craziest dork he's ever met and continue on with my life.
Cuz yeah-- that's pretty much how I operate.
But, I've realized something about myself--
I'm growing more confident.
And, I think it's pretty damn awesome.
I'm not promising that my self-esteem wont be shot from time to time-- cuz it will. I'm human.
But I think I'm ready actually to let myself fall into love. To whomever-- not neccesarily the guy of this journal-- happens to catch my heart, I know that something will happen and my heart will endure a fracture-- but thats pretty much okay because, I'm not afraid to be human anymore.
July 7th, 2011 at 09:35am