First BB code ever!!

I am so proud of myself.
Firstly, I woke up at 11, which is the latest I've slept this summer!
Second(ly?), I've procrastinated my summer work for over 2 hours. Not something to really be proud of I guess...
And third (I really don't know if I should put "-ly" after this), I USED BB CODE! My signature is all colorful, italic-y, and also in remembrance of the great show Firefly. (Any fans out there???)
And I'm also proud because my last journal entry actually got read--cool! By a whopping 10 people. Okay, nevermind.
Well, I just thought I'd document this day of BB-ness before I actually pull out a book and get my you-know-what to work. Especially since I have to be done before 3:30---oh crap. I really better go. Anyway, here's my signature (no, I really don't eat horses; this is a quote):

"And if wishes were horses, we'd all be eating steak".

Jayne Cobb, Firefly :)

It's not much, and it looks better as a signature, but I did it!
July 7th, 2011 at 07:47pm