Hey Mibba, read this now, yes?

I finally got my driver's license today.
It's been a long, difficult journey, but that lovely little plastic card is mine.
Now hopefully, tomorrow that navy blue 2002 Volvo will be mine as well. Wish me luck. ;]

Other than, not much has been going on today.
Got my college tuition all paid, and attempted to purchase my textbooks.
The store didn't have any of my books in stock, but the guy took my name a number and promised he'd put them all aside for me once they get in. I just have to wait for him to call to go pick them up. Let's hope he remembers.

I also put in my work transfer, so I'll be working at a store tons closer to the college I'm going to. It'll be easier to get to work from home and school, and I'll probably be able to get more hours and get out of my cashier position. I'm somewhat excited, but a little nervous. I love the store I'm at now. =/

Anyways, there's a little update. Speak, oui?
July 8th, 2011 at 05:21am