Who wants to be in a story?

My story "Like A Star, But A Little Bit Brighter" is unfortunately nearing it's end. There will probably only be about 4 or 5 more chapters, if that.
Don't fret though, I already have an idea for the sequel. I need some volunteers however. As much as I love working with J.K Rowling's original characters, I can't really alter their personalities however I want without feeling like I am betraying Jo. So I have decided to involve more characters of my own, and have them be more influences on the main characters than other Hogwarts students.
That being said, is there anyone who would like to be a character in the sequel? If you do I need you to either comment this or comment on my profile or message me the following things:
-The name of your character. (it can be your real name or a made up one, I dont care which)
-A physical description of the character (heights, build, eye color, hair color, stuff like that)
-Character's age
-What you would like the character's personality to be like
-Any specific tie you would like your character to have to Adeline or Draco. Me saying this does not guarantee that your character will have this connection, but I will try my best.
Thank you all so much (:

July 8th, 2011 at 06:29am