Beautiful. Horrific. Love.

I've come to realize that Love can be both beautiful and horrific.
Some days love makes my day,
Makes me feel like I'm on top of the world, like I could do anything.
Like maybe.. life could be perfect if it just stayed the way it did those days when I felt that way.....

But I've also come to realize it can ruin your life.
It could drag you so low that you question your sanity, your morals and every. last. thing. about yourself that makes you, you.

That you aren't so perfect and that person you loved wasn't so perfect after all.
I've never seen love up close.. and to tell you the truth I don't know if everlasting love exists.

Every time I see an older couple living together.. they don't seem happy.
I feel like they are living two separate lives.. but in the same house.

I'm trying to find that one person that will love me forever..
And I will find him. Even if it kills me

All I've ever wanted was a husband and children..
If I died right after achieving that...
I would die a happy women.
July 8th, 2011 at 05:27pm