Hello, I'm extremely flat-chested for a 14 year old.

So, I realized today that I'm normal sized flat-chested as compared to all of the people I've ever met in my entire life.

Jeez, some (most) of the girls that I go to school with have these gargantuan melons on their chests, and I'm like "Where in the world did you get those!?" It's redonkulous!

I don't really mind though, I like my small chest. Makes shirts fit easier, and I don't have boob-induced sleep apnea.

Um, I think that I want to do a proper introduction, as I didn't do one when I first joined Mibba. So...game on!

Hi! I'm Pen, and that's only a nickname.
-I'm 14 and in the 10th grade.
-I am pursuing a career in the medical field.
-I like to read. a lot
-I'm extremely sensitive.
-I don't like cursing.
-My favorite drinks are lemonade and water.
-Boys scare me.
-I'm prone to being bullied.
-I like my hair short, and my clothes baggy.
-One day, I want to touch (inspire) a famous person

Tell me about yourselves!
July 8th, 2011 at 11:17pm