I need opinions People and lots of them

So, I have yet to tell ether of my parents that I am bisexual. Truely I never plan on telling my mother, she has friends that are gay but the way she acts, if only her body language, tells me she would not take it well. We don't get along anyway and I live with my dad. Plus, she would go around telling everyone before I could even think through telling them, and I would be able to work in the childern's ministry anymore at my church, if I ever showed my face there again.So, now unto what I need the opinions on. So, me and my dad were in the truck coming home form helping Miss Stayce, my dad's best friend who happens to be a lesbian, move a new frig. and dinner table plus chairs form wolmarket to her home in gulfport, which is at the lest a 30 minute drive. And well, me and my dad where talking about my mom when he said,"you could come home and say dad I am gay,"fine", I would have no problem with that your mother...". I tighened up a bit but forced myself to release the feeling, as I am not yet sure how or when I am going to tell my dad. Really I just need to know weather I should tell him now, or when I leave for college, or when ever. Mom will probably find out some day, and I know if I asked him to he would not tell anyone. I am just not sure that I am ready, but me and my bestfriend, who happens to be a guy, have talked about it and think it mite be best to wait until I am finished moving in with dad and the school years has began.

So I want your opinions on:
When to tell my dad
If and when to tell my mom

I would greatly thankful for any opinion!
July 9th, 2011 at 09:58pm