*** on...my street.

So if anyone out there in my Seattle area has heard about Zeke Watkins, you'll know what the hell I'm talking about. A lot of the news sites have it wrong, but since Zeke is my fucking NEIGHBOR I can give an inside look for all you out there.

For anyone who doesn't know, Kathy Chou went missing last April, and Zeke just NOW came out to say he had killed her.

So the news sites are saying all this crap about meeting Zeke online. Not true. Both of them went to the same exact high school.
No one thought it could be Zeke. Zeke was always nice and sweet. That's coming from my mom. He used to spend the night at our house. He was friends with my brother and sister. Right before Kathy disappeared he was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder, and was dubbed clinically depressed. He and Kathy dated, and they broke up. Zeke led her out to a field about a quarter mile from my house, and stabbed her to death and then buried her.

So right now, at 11:37PM there are still people out there in cars, searching. They're searching EVERYWHERE. Even in ditches along the roads. It's kinda scary. I mean, I don't exactly live in a perfect neighborhood. We're no stranger to the police. I love Joe. He's in charge of swat. They tended to come here A LOT in my early years, so now we know each other, and wave when we see each other. But to have a murderer who I've known since I was little, who slept in the room next to me countless nights, it's kinda creepy to think about. All the news stations have to fucking idea what they're talking about and it kinda pisses me off.
They aren't getting their facts straight. But what I do know is, they won't leave. The searchers keep searching, and it's scaring me because I know they're there, and I know why.
I just decided to write about it. I thought it might make me feel better, but in all actuality I feel worse now.

I wasn't scared to start with, but my best friend kinda FREAKED ME OUT. So thanks for that A. Thanks a whole lot.
July 10th, 2011 at 08:44am