When You Get To The Top, The View Makes It All Worth It.


It's like an apple tree.

The best apples are on the top, but people are afraid of falling and getting hurt so they the rotten ones up off the ground which aren't as good, but easy. So the apples on the top think something is wrong with them, when in reality they are amazing. They just have to wait for the right person to come along that's brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree.

That's what love is like. Whether you're a boy or a girl.

I haven't fallen in love.. yet.

It's one of my goals in life(:

But I'm no slut. Obviously.

People think I am because I'm scene..

But I'm not. e-e

And a lot of people think, "Oh, they're scene, they're a spoiled little brat with no limits and can't keep her legs shut."

Well, that's exactly the opposite. I'm not spoiled. My dad left me when I was 3 and my mom's always working. She has no time for me, but I still love her.. She's stressed. I have limits, and I never cross them for my mom's sake. She's all I got and I'm not going to piss her off. And I'm smart. Not to brag or sound like a total asshole, but I am. I'm not going to get pregnant when I'm 16 or 18, I'm going to wait until I'm married, unlike half the people at my school.

I have secrets, yes, but I'm no one you want to mess with when it comes to drama...

You see, I have anger and trust issues like my good friend Kaylea. And if someone pisses one of us off, we go beserk and kick their ass. And trust issues. Well, both of those explain why I'm so quiet in real life. But I'll pour my heart out to people I trust. If one of the people in my school that I hate see this, I don't care.

And... I'm getting better at controlling my anger. Thumbs up for me~!(:

But anyway... I'm acting like I'm writing in my journal in my room.. And if you don't like what I'm writing, I'm fine with that.

Love you all for taking your time to read this.

July 10th, 2011 at 05:00pm