Graduated. Big 18th.

It's weird. I'm on summer vacation, in between High School and Post-Secondary, and I feel as though I see the world through whole new eyes. Suddenly, I don't see the same people day after day and it's like my whole attitude has changed. I can go out in public without makeup, I head out in sweats and flip flops, I don't care about how I look, and I just am. I feel as though I may have finally shed the fear of other people's opinions - finally - and I can just live. There are so many people, so many faces living their own lives, and finally I can be one of them. I've realized that I don't think anything more or less of the people I pass by, so why should they of me? It's stupid to worry, and although I knew it all along, I've only come to realize and enforce it now.

Their's a pub down the street from where I'm living. I can go to it in about 3 weeks. I'm excited, but I have no idea what I want to do for my Birthday. In Alberta, legal drinking age is 18 so don't go thinking I have any fakes or whatever. My friends all went clubbing on their 18th, but I don't think I want to. Actually, I don't know if I even want to be in Canada when I turn 18. I might be in the States with my family and just have a quiet dinner.. But the option to come back is always there and I just don't know. It's too hard to put up with people for that long, and I hate getting so sloshed you get sick or forget that night, and that's the whole point of your 18th..

Whatever. What do you guys think?

And if you want to have a big conversation about life or whatever, I'm home alone all tonight with no one to talk to so just add me:
Skype: katelynnhillier
Just say you're from Mibba/Tumblr.
July 11th, 2011 at 11:22pm