A Moment of Clarity #1

Hello my Anime loven people. ^~^

I was watchen Death Note the other day and reviewing some worksheets I have from my Criminal Justice class, not to mention the YYH episode about the Chapter Black video, and it really did get me thinking. What is Justice?

If Kira were real? And everything he's done was reality, does that make him good or bad? Killing those who kill others and break free from the chains of justice. Is it wrong for Kira to punish them his/her own way?

I find myself conflicted with this topic. I mean, besides Lights looks, which by the way, 'mm-mmm good', I was really rooting for him. Believing his ideals. The Law can only go so far. And only do so much. Clance Wiggum said it best when he replied, ''I said the law was powerless to help you, not punish you.

Though it would put the department out of work, but wouldn't it be worth it. The idea here is to live in a world free of crime, not polluted by greed(money). Maybe that's exactly what people need to stop their haynes crimes. Yes it may be wrong because some of them will be tricked into fearing Kira, but with all do respect, isn't that the same for religions. People do good yes, ‘cuz they have a choice, but mostly out of fear of God, or Gods they believe in.

Now before someone response to this, no I am not saying worship Kira as a god, ‘cuz in reality he's not. He's just a person cursed with that of a Shinigami. But Light did have good intentions, even though they took him in the wrong direction.So what I'm really aiming at here, is for some other opinions, your thoughts, theories. Not ‘cuz Light was cute or because L was too, so you were rooting for him, but in reality. If it were real. You knew nothing of Kira's appearance, personality, that they just wanted a world of peace and believed in getting rid of the murders, what would you think? That maybe he or possibly she would go too far like Light? Start off with the murders then move on to something else? Using that power for their own gain? Or believe in something real. A ‘Crystal Blue Persuasion’...

Please, let me know and don’t hold back on the detail. I mean, I’m freaken 22 and I’m into this, nothing can be foolish to me.
July 12th, 2011 at 08:38am