Yo yo yo!

Nothing really. Just venting out unwanted emotion through a keyboard that no one else uses but everyone can see what I put on here with it. You, everyone who reads this, are my sanctuary. School should burn in hell. I hate rumors. Wanna know why? I don't care cuz' I'm putting it here anyway. Being thought of as 'That annoying, hyper, annorexic, lesbian kid by over half the school is finally starting to really get to me. It's my birthday on Sunday. I doubt any of them that I havn't talked to within the last week could give a damn about it, or even remember it's my birthday. Whats wrong with hyper people? Why can't moms ever trust you when you say 'I've already checked',or 'I'm fine and I don't need to go to the doctors', no matter how you word it. And they always bread promises. I wish I went to one of my camp friends from last week's school. People don't judge your sexuality by how hyper you are there. Did you know there's pig fat in oreos? I still eat them though. It's something I hate. Why can't people ever let you stay in bed all day anymore? We just need to do these things everyonce in a while. And why do I always feel old but short? I'm average hieght, and I'm definately not old. My room is an ugly yellow, and I want to paint it but no one really cares about that enough to actually go through with it. I still have fish curtains over my window. I love them and I hate them. What's the point of having fish if you don't have high blood pressure. And if you know you already have heart problems, why do you still eat to much greasy food. I bought the sims 2 out of boredom today, and my character already died. I'm sure I've got both ADHD and OCD. Ya know the word Deoxyribonucleic acid? Well it's technically two words, but oh well. It rocks. Some people need to except that others won't always have good grammer, and they need to learn to deal. I wish I wasn't so intraverted, it's bad for my social, emotional, and metal health. That's three out of four. I still have interim reports from two years ago I never showed my parents in my room. Thanks for reading this all, if you did.

From your perfectly imperfect friend,
Leslie AKA The Famous Fake Emo (seriously, just stick with Leslie, I don't like my account name)
June 28th, 2007 at 07:00am