Moving on

I sometimes feel like I am going no where in my life. After high school I left home and went off to college while my friends stayed home and went to a local college, which was fine. But over the last three years since we have finished high school I have watched my friends date and serious about guys. Some already have kids and most of them are married. I use to think that there was something wrong with me. I mean I was going to college trying to get an education and I mean I was surrounded by these guys and they seemed to be the type of guys I would date but unfortunately I have been single for about three years. So what's wrong with me? I am learning that their is nothing wrong with me.

I know that if I didn't set my goal high enough I would have settled for staying in my hometown with all my friends. Which for the most part I really like my hometown, but it is too small to me. I need more than what it can offer me. It's really funny actually, when I was getting ready for college and my mom and I were trying to figure out money stuff, my mom told me that I would have to spend my first year at the community college there in town. I told her that I wasn't going to start college there. I didn't want to be a transfer student. I now look back at the decisions that I made and I am happy with myself.

If I would have stayed home, went to a community college, and hang out with the same group of friends from high school then I would have dropped out of school and be working at my mom's office or with my grandmother. I would have only done two years of college and never gone off to the university that I am at now. I would have met a guy that I really didn't need to be with and either be pregnant and not married to the guy or have the kid then marry the guy later on. Or just marry the wrong guy for me. I would have settled my life. I wouldn't have done anything that I really wanted to do.

I am happy with the way that my life is now. I have a job that I have been at for the last three years and yes sometimes it gets on my nerves but I am in a good place. I just got my first apartment and I am about to start really have my own independence. I realize that I don't need a guy to survive. I am also a year and half away from finishing college with my bachelors degree. I am surrounded by a group of friends that though I am not super close to all of them but they care. They see me at my worst and my best and yet are still there for me. I love my friends that I have made in college. I am also becoming friends with people who are breaking me out of my shell and making try new things and be with different people than I am use to.

All in all I am happy to be away from home and be where I am today. I am glad that I didn't settle for the things that I could have. I am worth more than the things that my hometown could offer me.
July 12th, 2011 at 06:37pm