A Lot On My Mind

I have the first two chapters of Trade Mistakes up and I want to thank the two people who subscribed. That means a lot to me. I'm working on the next two chapters but it probably won't be for a while. Everybody has been using my laptop and yesterday something happened that will probably halt my writing for at least a day or two.

Yesterday I found my dog of 11-12 years dead in my backyard. It was a surprise to us all because we all loved him so much. He was a Jack Russell Terrier and was probably the liveliest of them all. I took many pictures of him and I used to talk to him when nobody would listen. Needless to say, it has really hit me hard. My sister who has fish told my mom she would trade her fish for our dog to be back. That nearly tore my heart in two.

Sorry if I'm droning on but I had to get that out. On the bright side though, I'm going to see Harry Potter Saturday and I'm going to cry like a baby ( much like I'm doing now). I've been waiting for this since the last book was published. For all of those who are going to the midnight premiere, lucky dogs! That's all I have to say. Carry on.
July 12th, 2011 at 11:10pm