
1. My name is Megan.
2. I’m eighteen years of age.
3. I recently got my license, even though I’ve been driving for 2 years now.
4. I drive a blue 2002 Volvo S40.
5. My significant other is named Allen.
6. He is my candidate husband. We plan to marry in 2013. We’ve been together since 09.12.08. <3
7. I work in a grocery store.
8. I’m starting college in a month and a half. I’m still unsure as to what I want to study and what I want to do in college, but I’ve always been content with the idea of being a teacher. I want to inspire kids as much as my favorite teachers have inspired me.
9. Je parle français.
10. I love Harry Potter. The books, the movies, the actors. Everything. I’ve been a dedicated fan since I was nine years old. My mom thinks I should have grown out of it by now, but I highly doubt that will happen.
11. Other than HP, I’m a big fan of movies. I’m a regular at the theater.
12. I live in one of the hot, southern states of the U.S.
13. Sweet tea is a staple in my diet.
14. I write, but its been at least a year since I’ve written a chaptered story. Right now, it’s mostly just drabbles and short stories. I choose not to post everything I write on Mibba.
15. I can’t draw to save my life.
16.I enjoy tattoos. On other people, and myself. My best friend is currently drawing up my second one.
17. My best friend is Stephie. My best friend since I was fourteen. We've been through so much shit, and I have no idea what kind of person I'd be without her. <3
18. I have curls, and I hate them.
19. I’m proud to say I have never smoked anything in my life, but I am a drinker.
20. I want to be a mother one day.
21. Ballet and tap dancing was a big part of my life for 13 years. I miss it.
22. I’m not a religious person at all, but I do have some favorite verses from the bible that really stand out to me.
23. I have a cat named Davey and a bearded dragon named Kricket.
24. I enjoy proper spelling, grammar, and capitalization.
25. I’ve been told I have a bold personality.
26. I’m Italian and indian. Not the kind from India.
27. I hang out in Books - A - Million at least once a week. It's my home away from home.
28. Since March 13, 2011, I have lost a grand total of fifteen pounds.
29. I’m a Mac.
30. I like old My Chem better than new My Chem. I still listen to their first cd.
31. I enjoy road trips.
32. I dislike people in general. I always have. It doesn’t mean I’ll be a bitch to you 24/7 though. I’ll just give you a hard time. You’ll know if I truly enjoy your company though.
33. I only sing in the car.
34. Ryan Gosling = <3
35. It doesn’t take much to make me happy.
36. I’ve been told I’m good with children.
37. I enjoy reading.
38. My birthday is in December.
39. When I get bored at work, I read tabloids.
40. I don’t like cereal.
41. I can’t sleep without my fan.
42. I name kids who haven’t been conceived yet.
43. I can only write decent poetry when I have a broken heart.
44. I want a boy and a girl.
45. I’m really close to my grandparents.
46. I enjoy traveling.
47. I have an obsession with doves and sparrows.
48. I love it when a friend or someone in my family gets married. They usually come to my mother and I for flowers and planning help. It's fun.
49. When Allen proposed to me, he let me choose whether or not I wanted a small diamond put into his great aunt's ring or a new, big diamond ring. I chose the antique one. <3
50. I like purple.
51. Any movie with Zach Galifianakis = ftw.
52. I rarely ever cook, but I can make the best damn cookies you've ever tasted.
53. I like being tan.
54. I have a Diet Pepsi addiction.
55. Sometimes I miss being blonde.
56. I often say things without thinking. Not in an "I didn't think about what I said, so I offended you" sort of way. More like in a "how the hell did she make it to graduation" sort of way.
57. Hydrangeas are my favorites. Not only because they smell nice, but they remind me of home.
58. The most amazing concert I have ever been to was the Trans Siberian Orchestra.
59. I like arts and crafts.
60. My dad says I'm a realist.
61. I rarely care what I look like anymore. My hair is usually put up, I rarely have make up on anymore, and don't even get me started on the clothes.
62. I grew up watching Seinfeld and listening to Jimmy Buffet.
63. I fail at playing the guitar, and I know very little on the piano, but I used to be fairly decent at the flute.
64. I really want a miniature Yorkie.
65. The first story I ever wrote was about a girl, her horse, and her father who went on the run after war affected their home town. I wrote in all through out the third grade, and into the fourth. It was never finished though. My notebook fell apart.
66. If pain and money weren't issues, and any future job opportunities weren't affected, I'd have at least a half sleeve and gauged ears by now. But as I said, I want to be a teacher, and I'm a cashier.
67. I just realized that after Allen and I are married, I will have one of the most generic names in the world.
68. Sometimes I wish the last name that my I-Don't-Know-How-Many-Greats grandparents had when they came here from Italy had stayed alive. I like it better than the one I have now.
69. I enjoy simplicity.
70. My dad seriously wanted to name me Blue.
71. I'm running out of stuff.
72. I normally keep to myself. Theres very few people I open up to.
73. I hate really bright, metallic nail polishes. Currently, mine are painted a greenish purple color.
74. I have a thing for mini m&m's.
75. I wish my hair was longer.
76. Stephieboo and I have a song. Really, we have a whole movie, but the song is our favorite. <3
77. I love watching wedding and baking shows.
78. I don't usually get along with people my own age.
79. Allen and I have a three year age difference.
80. My cat looks like Hitler.
81. "I help Stephie out with the most ghastly questions because she isn't ashamed of her curiosity."
82. Children in beauty pageants scare me.
83. I <3 my iPod touch.
84. I enjoy spontaneous dates.
85. Nothing beats driving my car with the sunroof open, blaring Jimmy Buffet. That man was the soundtrack of my childhood.
86. People being chewing with their mouth open/being loud when they eat annoys me to no end.
87. I like minty gum.
88. I have a shopping problem.
89. I've recently realized that most of the people I was friends with back when I was a freshman are now pregnant. o0
90. I bought my Harry Potter tickets today. =] I'm a little over excited.
91. I enjoy French music. Edith Piaf and Gerald de Palmas = <3
92. I love driving through the mountains. Especially when the leaves change colors. Most relaxing thing in the world.
93. Allen says I have "python colored" eyes.
94. I've been asked more than once if I'm half mexican/black.
95. I've worn make-up maybe 5 or 6 times out of this whole summer.
96. I really want spaghetti - o's right now.
97. I like country music.
98. I wanna slap the shit out of a few of my Facebook friends. Some of the things they post...
99. I'm watching Family Guy right now.
100. See, Stephieboo?? Took me three days, but iDone. :D It's even in a regular size font, so you can see. <3
July 13th, 2011 at 05:50am