My Speech

i was goin through all my books, you know looking for 'study' material. and i found this (its my speech) i got a zero cuz i didnt do it, its pretty crap anyway but it voices my opinion so im gonna put it on here -giggles....everyone leaves- aww -sad face-

'Its better tod resist'

Your all going to think im stupid or call me strange or whatever other smart remarks your going to make after i read this to you. But it doesnt really bother me that much anymore, im fine eith it but im over it aswell. I mean its what you expect right? when your part of the minority group. Seriously all you people care about is looks, you know, there are girls out here who dont want to wear mini mini skirts and there are guys who wear eyeliner and who arent]/u] transvestites. Maybe we are different, but its who we are and its funny because alot of you cant handle the fact that we dont want to be clones...And we've got enough guts to prove it!...So here it goes my speech on why its better to resist then conform, this may be stereotypicall and judgemental but what you say gets thrown back at you.

Do you know how many Emo-haters there are? oh wait you do, most of you are emo-haters. Just get over it man! ok so there are kids out there who have problems and who show them by self-harming but they dont do it for attention, they do it because they have no other way of saying their hurting. Emo stands for Emotive-hadcore which is a genre of music and now a style apparently. but seriusly, GET OVER IT! if you hate them so much then stop]/b] obssessiong over them. I mean I HATE Paris Hilton but you dont see me obsessing over her like shes a drug.

Dude everytime i go down town i get called a goth and an emo atleast 80 times and yes i may have my problems and my ways of dealing with them are....different...but still!

I'm guessing you all think goths are devil worshipping, blood drinking freaks. Am i right? well your wrong!!!!. I have goth friends and their happy hypo people, who just like black, heavy and agressive music and studs and spikes and just because they look a little like Marylin Manson <3 doesnt mean they are like him and just because they dont lok like you nd act ilke you doesnt mean they're bad people! Come on WAKE UP TO YOURSELVES!!!!

I know people who look like you and who arent 'scene kids' (had to add that) and they suffer from depression and listen to Retards Attempting Poetry...i mean rap and gangster music. But you wont label them because they look like you and aslong as they do, you'll except them. But i guess its character building for the minority. But it does get to a point and right now its crossing the boarder line of pathetic.

i suppose that wasnt really a speech and it didnt really have much to do with the topic and i just voiced my opinion to get a zero, because i didnt meet the criteria but I do have a point. Its pathetic how you people 'diss' kids who are different to you. Have you ever thought that they dont want to be clones or the boring old same old same. And i know im not the only one who believes that its better to be part of the minority then a clone, or to resist then conform (sounds like cult sh!t) And you call Emo's depressing, well the way you go on about them all the time is depressing because by the sounds of things you've really got nothing better to do have you?

...its shit i no, thats why i didnt read it lol
June 28th, 2007 at 10:16am