Questions that never come to mind....?

What is there in this place that makes you stay the way you are?
Can you ever stay the same?
Why do you HAVE to stay the same?
Why can't people let you be your self without, anyone to hold that one string, making sure your in check and staying behind them?
Why do you have to be the one behind them?
Why can't you just break free and be your self?
Why is everything so much more complicated then the life you had before?
Why most this SIMPLE life be crushed beneath this shoe connected to the one who holds you back so, you can't surpass them to be your self that you always dreamed of being?
Who must I ask these questions, to get the answers that are needed to save a life?
Who is the one with the POWER to end a life for no reason?
Who has THAT power to fight over something so stupid just to get their filthy, greedy hands on bloodstained money?
What is the reason to this simple life of a preppy girl, jockey ass-whole of a guy, the nerdy geeks, the emos with their ACTUAL problems, the poser emos that just like the style and have nothing wrong but want to have something wrong with them selves and be part of a big show?
What was the whole idea behind the existence of a stupid little girl asking for stupid answers, to no one who will never read them?
How was it that all the things in the world became so stupid that we forgot about them, or just don't care too much about them to watch them die, when they did NOTHING wrong?
How is it possible for someone who says they love end up hating you the next second then say they love you again?
Where did this part of the human race become so out of balance that no one even realizes that its gone off the deep end of the swimming pool?
Where was it that this place ever cared for its self other then the greedy hands of the world of humans?
When was it that we, as humans, can never get it right?
When will the day that we will just STOP fighting with each other and STOP killing what is NOT ours to kill?
Who, Where, What, When, and How!
The major questions we have forgotten to ask our selves everyday since forever.
But when is it ever one little girls opinion on anything ever mattered, or ever taken into consideration?
When was the last time anyone ever CARED on what a little girl ever wrote?
Probably never and a day.....
No more then a simple girl with a simple mind of confusion that makes no sense to anyone, barley enough for her to understand.

for those who actually read this please comment your thoughts on what is written here. I don't mind if they are mean, good, disagreeing, or agreeing. I just want opinion's from those who read this. ^ ^ Thank you for your time.
July 14th, 2011 at 02:27am