Life after GoF....

... I know, not a quote for a change. Haven't done this since the first two journal entries I think. But for you, my readers, you need to know whats happening after Gift of Flight.

One person in particular (they commented on the story) noticed that, the beginning especially in my opinion, is a lot like that Eragon series. And, considering the fact that I came home inspired by that movie to write this, it's completely reasonable. I hope it doesn't end up like that, but I might as well be honest, I'm no genius. I suppose that is really what started it all. You guys, the four of you that read it the most, seem to like it. I'm really disappointed in so many things with this book, but it is serving it's purpose to me, and I'll explain in detail.

I started writing this while I was with my first love, who happened to be the first guy I ever really kind of got into a relationship with. I was just practicing my description, which is still coming a long, but I'm happy where I am. Enough to not write random scenarios just to practice. But it was my first year of high school, my best friend was pulling away from me, and I was facing my unknown fears of intimacy (not physical, emotional). I was REALLY struggling and the girl who was like my sister to me had just kind of turned away, so I got attached to this boy REALLY fast. Well, I got dumped, and it broke me horribly. I couldn't write, I couldn't think, I couldn't breathe. Then my friend did a 180 and dumped her boyfriend, only to go out with my first love (they're still dating from what I know). It broke me, AGAIN. My writing was down the drain, but I noticed you guys seemed to like this story. I attempted to write it, but I struggled greatly. I couldn't write, but I remembered how I loved it.

GoF became the story getting me back into writing actual stories. Between a few very supportive teachers, and some straightening up in my own life, my story was actually beginning to come together. I will finish it, and it will have served its second purpose; to learn to complete a plot.

Well, I am a better writer than what I have shown in GoF. It was a story inspired by another story, so it's not entirely my own. What was suppose to be sort of more historical turned into modern day romance, as I can't seem to write historical. I just don't know how.

My main character reflects me. Well, a more PERFECT version of me. In many of the stories I've read the main character is perfrect, and makes the people around her/him perfect (usually on Quizilla but today on Wattpad). I noticed and tried to add her crazy shyness as a flaw, and it sort of is, but like the imperfect characters in many stories online her personality just switched. She's okay with being kissed now, and it was only like one or two days, MAX, with no huge events. Casius did some growing, and gained the balls to make a move, but he did it in the background, and I never wrote about it. Anyways, Kaila was like me, in regards to her flaw, but I haven't gotten over mine yet, so I don't know how to get her over hers. Forgive me for that.

Quizilla was being stupid, and scared most of the good authors off to Wattpad (hence why I joined ANOTHER site) so I've been doing some new reading and a lot of thinking.

I've grown. And it's time to move on. I'm starting a story, The Being, and it's my own idea. There was no inspiration from any novel, only encouragement from an old fave incomplete story online to strive for characters who are actually going to grow, not change overnight. This story was my 'break up' story. I read it and re read it all the time just after the break up. It really helped get me through. Then the author took it down for her own reasons, but started it up again a few months ago. The story is called White is For Virgins. A fantastic story, go to wattpad and read it.

Well, plagarism sent her to inkpop, but drama sent her to wattpad, so she's just attempting to get this story done, but a comment someone made about how her writing has grown in all of this struck me. You know, I've grown too. A bit, but I've grown. So I moved to wattpad, with a new name for the first time in a long time. You will find me as rulethenight (there's a pic of me and Lexy there if you want to see). I will post The Being there when I get it going, after I'm done GoF. I don't know if I'll post it here.

Well...I don't want to dwell on my disappointments in GoF, so I'm just going to jump right in to The Being. It's new for me, and will test my writing in some places. I haven't quite got a full plot but hey, I didn't have a plot for GoF but the plot itself isn't half bad. It's going to be about self growth, and since the main character will have no idea who she really is as a person, I have an excuse to jump personalities a bit. But one of the underlaying plots will be a bit bittersweet. Writing GoF, especially Airia's view, can be bittersweet but *NOTE: IF YOU DON'T WANT A SMALL SPOILER SKIP TO THE NEXT PARAGRAPH* I can't write sad endings. Writing sad stuff in stories depresses me, and I can't do it. I can't.

Anyways, it should be interesting, and I'd still love to hear from you guys. I may post the Being here, but I don't know. I will finish GoF but the story will end there, not that it's really set up from a sequel anyways. Anyways, don't be shy - I am too though - and message me! I'd love to know what you really think. I want to know who is actually reading my story. I have 8 subscribers but not all of them read it.

P.S if you care, me and my old friend are actually not talking currently. We went back and forth for a while, talking, not talking, but she just can't see where I'm at, and I'm not strong enough to listen to her go on about how great my first love is. The water is over any bridge and it sweeps me away any time I try to go back. So I'm not. I may be selfish, and I sure as hell am not perfect, but she made her choice.
July 14th, 2011 at 06:14am