In which I rant/talk about life, people, Black Veil Brides, and tattoos.

Point A) On of my best friends is moving back to Michigan from New York and is going to be going to the same college as me. This makes me so fucking happy, like you people do not understand I almost cried with happiness because I haven't seen her in two years.

Point B) I get that some people don't like BVB, and hey, that's fine by me 'cause I'll still love them. What does bother me though is when people bash on them. And all I'm really gonna say about that is this; if you can't be respectful about your opinion then keep it to yourself.

Point C) I may murder my younger sister in her sleep. She's 14, a freshman in high school and thinks she owns the planet and she thinks she knows everything- which obviously she doesn't. And it's like she has no respect for me which irritates me to no end because I'm almost 5 years older than her, and I've seen/done a lot of stuff in my life. And, she's got a mouth that just won't quit and doesn't grasp the concept that I have a mouth too, and I'm not afraid to use it when she pisses me off.

Point D) My mother lost the stuff that I need to fill out my Financial Aid paperwork- and if she doesn't find it I can't go to school in the fall.

Point E) I'd like another tattoo. I'm planning on getting a portrait of my great grandfather's WWII service picture on my left shoulderblade.
July 14th, 2011 at 05:39pm