Real Time

Living life thinking your done is not fun.. Youve given up on everything and everyone.. Decided your heart is not the right one to follow....

Wanting to find the day to my night... The one who makes my heart melt and my eyes sparkle.. The one that makes my breathing race.... Scared to death to say those three words... Is there someone out there for everyone??

I found my happiness.. That special someone that makes me forget i was ever hurt.. The one that gives me hope, makes my eyes sparkle my knees weak and takes my breath away... He is my other half.. The last piece to my puzzle.. The piece that GOD made to fit snug next to mine!! He does the little things.. I matter to him.. He thinks of me and my happiness... My life!!!

There is hope.. GOD made man from woman.. He needs me like i need him.. Love is at the tip of my tung.. He moves i move with him.. Hes my star.. I hope u understand..

Your heart is a fragile tbing.. Why make it live alone?? Why let someone destroy you while they're happy?? You have the right to be happy.. Live your life.. Go to sleep smiling.. Wake up with kisses.. Come home to tgat special someone waiting for you... You'd be surprised how amazing it feels...

Dont give up.. Just give it a chance.. Dont be afraid.. Embrace every experience brought your way..
July 15th, 2011 at 02:35am