Magic in Books, Movies, and Life (HP)

Well what can I say? It was the end. The End of Harry Potter. The closing of an Epic Series. One about trust, faith, bravery, courage, and LOVE. It is the end of my days at Hogwarts. It is the end of my days as a Gryffindor student. I am no longer under the hand of Albus Dumbledore. I will no longer wake up in fear of Professor Snape's wrath if I am late.

No More.

It is 3:02 a.m. I left the movie theatre at 2:32 a.m. I saw the final Harry Potter. I saw both parts of the Deathly Hallows in a row. and it was AMAZING. Immediately when I arrived home I posted this on my Facebook wall:

"WHAT IS ON MY MIND? I'll tell you. the MOST AMAZING thing EVER!! Harry Potter was brilliant. I have not cried, laughed, or had my heart broken in such a way in so long, I can barey stand it. I can't possibly go to sleep. My head is filled with magic and critiques on character developement, symbolism, love and bravery. If Today was not worth 9 hours in a theatre, I don't know what is. AND , I have a british accent XD"

with a comment of :

"AND it was SOOOOO worth seeing it in 3-D"

Yesterday, at 6:14 p.m. I arrived at Tinseltown USA to watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt. 1 and 2. Part 2 started today at 12:03 a.m. The line was long but my friend Elizabeth was there already (since 1 p.m.) so she saved me a spot in line for me and my family. It was relatively packed. Not as much as some places like L.A. where EVERYONE is dressed up and if you leave your spot, you wouldn't get it back. But it was pretty full and there were about 4 lines for different screens. I wore all black to symbolize the Death of Part O' My Soul but my pants had red, so show my love for it anway.

The audience, of course, were fans and therefore laughed and cried along with me. There was no need to hide my applause nor my outbursts of anger and joy because they shared it with me. There were some dressed up. Others reading the book again (we watched HP 3 on my laptop as we waited for 2 hours) and singing of the Hogwarts welcome song.

The movies were amazing. Of course I had seen the First Part before but never on the big screen. So the experience was new. The Second Part.... Oh... the Second Part.

The entire time, I went through in my mind about how well they followed the book. How certain scenes were edited or changed. Or how much more brilliant it was to see my written life come to life. I played certain scenes where I felt needed. Anticipated the upcoming scenes on the edge of my chair and watched in awe as the screen brought a symphony of magical words come to life.

Some scenes, like when certain people died, nearly- or rather- completely shattered my heart. My friend Elizabeth shared the same feelings and we cried. It was nice hearing members of the audience cry with us. We of course, are not common criers and frequently look down upon it. Today however, we held another in sorrow as our friends, family, and (fantasized, and obviously not true) lovers die. Our souls, crushed in seeing our loved ones dead, might as well have left us completely for those few moments of utter destraught. Our feelings of desolate were always quickly recovered as the story continued and the happier parts of our would-be-lives continued and the movie shifted scenes. I burst out in laughter and abundant, "HELLZ YEAH"s during the course of the movie, and more cursing than I have ever in my entire life have said in a month, or possibly a year. Luckily for me, the movie was loud and perhaps the only one who could really hear my abundance of vulgar language was Elizabeth, who in fact, dropped many obscenities herself as she normally would.

This finale of epic novels, and exquisite movies, had a very good ending. Of course some things could have been better, some things could have been worse. Then again, that is always the issue of movies based off of novels. There never is a guarantee of greatness of failure. I personally, considering the incredible details that lie in the book, think this was a great success. For the most part, fans will be happy and content. Most, like me, will edit in their minds and change things around, but they will remember it for the movie. They will appreciate it, and enjoy it. Some fans, who unlike me, have not read the books, for the most part be happy as well. The series flows and while some areas may be gray to them, are still worth seeing. The special effects are wonderful and the dialogue is witty, smart, and well written.

Today I graduated Hogwarts. I fought with Harry and watched my love, Fred, die before my eyes. I got my revenge by killing his killer and her Love. I finished the battle I began when I was nine years old and tailing after Harry Potter. Of the many things in life, Harry Potter has taught me and enforced the ideas of core ideals I hold and believe to be true, rewarding, and wonderful: Life, Liberty, Freedom, Gratitude, Faith, Bravery, Courage, Loyalty, Belief, Friendship, and LOVE. The entire basis of Harry Potter is centered around Love. It isn't just wizards and witches who need it. It isn't just giants and house elves who want it. We, the regular people who work nine-to-five jobs, the special people who have extraordinary powers and abilities, the unique people who read newspapers upside down and different colored socks, need it too. The lessons in Harry Potter is more than just words on paper; the are about more than just spells, potions and charms; they are essential parts of human life. I had to learn these lessons to complete my time at Hogwarts and have. I understand, I see, I know what awaits me and that by knowing, I have no clue at all. Life is wonderful and valuable, only if I live it.

I write this blog at 3:40 a.m. I just saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1 and 2. This is probably horribly written, with many errors in grammar, spelling and basic rules of the English Language, but I don't mind. I am happy. I will go to bed, and imagine what the Life of Harry Potter would have been like had me and my friends been there to help. I will dream that Fred never died and he and I live happily ever after and the ending I wished Happened happened. But even as I imagine my own story, the characters, the lessons, the life it was and forever will be is there; in my mind, my soul, books, movies, and heart.

3:43 a.m. my hair is bushy like Hermione. I am in black with a red streak. I have an orange band on my wrist to show that I paid for my Harry Potter ticket. I have read all seven books and seen all eight movies. It is time for me to go to bed and dream of magic, wonder, and life.

That's it Harry Potter Fans. This is the end. But more importantly, it's our beginnning.
July 15th, 2011 at 12:01pm