My thoughts on love

Love isn’t a joyful feeling, one that the birds sings and the angel sighs and makes everything right in the world. No love is a thing full of despair, pain and soul crushing brutality. It gives you these brief seconds of hope and makes your mind believe that just for a second everything might play out how you always dreamt of. But then just in a turn of head, a look in an eye or nervous laugh it gets pulled away from you, so roughly and cruelly. It leaves you hurting in ways you never knew you could feel, in ways you didn’t know was humanly possible. Pain engulfs your chest, breaking and twisting every happy emotion you could ever feel. Yet we all go back wanting more, desperately clinging on for a chance things might change. Why do you we do it? All of us like the pain love cause, because if the slight chance this love does work out all this suffering becomes worth it. It makes everything you feel much more intense. The pain of love becomes one of our most beloved things.
July 15th, 2011 at 03:14pm