Seventh Grade

I mention seventh grade a lot in my stories and just in general but that's because it's so important to me. That's when everyone started to become their own person. Before that, we all wore the same sort of thing, Areo, AE, Hollister, something like that. But in seventh grade, we decided who we wanted to be, and became that person. We all dressed differently, picked up new phrases, listened to new music, became friends with different people. I think it's interesting how much everyone changed then. I love who I am now, because I chose that girl. I chose to become the loud, obnoxious, funny, cute girl who when you pissed off, became evil. As I got older, cute became "hot." I still am loud. I still am annoying as hell. I'm outgoing and fun to be around. The people you went to school with change you too. I was molded into who I am by the people also. They didn't tell me to be who I am, I decided that, but they said things that I picked up and then I said them. The people you're around do matter. If things seem hard in middle school, think about who you want to be.

"The universe tends to unfold as it should."
-Adam Siska from The Academy is...
July 16th, 2011 at 12:20am