
Yeah I'm still unemployed. Ugh not making money simply disagrees with my stomach. Let's see, I've been unemployed since last Saturday, so a week now exactly. My husband has been wanting me to file for unemployment, stay at home, concentrate on baby-making. I really don't mind, this is my first pregnancy and it is super-hard on me, the morning sickness takes it's toll, suppressing it is tiring, but then, so is throwing up all day.

I still need to get my food stamps, at least I had the presence of mind to apply this morning.
.....I still need to go to the doctor, I'm more than halfway through my first trimester and I still haven't been.

I wonder what else I still have to do?

Thank God there are people around me interested in making my pain more bearable. Granted, if I was living on my own, the Government would be taking care of me, but I really hate that. I mean, I don't mind them using my taxes to take care of me, but i really like earning my own money, so I can do what I want with it.

All I can really do is wait....killer. Waiting is the worst.
July 16th, 2011 at 04:56pm