is it all changing? [ a rant ]

okay so me being the worry wart i am, and i mean HARDCORE WORRY WART! i would win an award, i'm freaking out right now, but by the end of the night i'll know.
he just got back from camp. and we talked on the phone, it all seemed good, but when i said i missed him, he didnt say it back. but i think its just because he didnt hear me or he's super tired from camp. and afterwards when i said i love you, he seemed.. hesitant. i dunno, i'm just worrying, but i mean when i asked him to go to the bonfire he seemed like he wanted to go, i'm picking him up at around 8ish and then i'll know. i'll know if things have changed when i see him.
i'm worrying that he found someone else at camp. i mean, if he did, the other 2 guys that were there will tell me, or maybe one of them.

WHAT AM I EVEN SAYING? he loves me.

i know he does. he has to. we've been together too long for someone else to just show up. i know i'm just worrying because i haven't seen him in a week. it's okay. i know it is. i'm just being an idiot and a worry wart. this shaking is just me being stupid. i'll write a journal entry later tonight when we get back from the bonfire, i'll fill you all in. and i'll know for sure. i'll know as soon as i look into his eyes if things have changed. i'll prove myself wrong. it's all okay. it has to be.
July 16th, 2011 at 11:01pm