Are you kidding me?

Hey, users actually reading this journal. I really want to start a journal, so I'm just gonna start one on here.

If you're wondering why that is my title for this journal entry, it's because the school holidays I'm on right now started three weeks ago, also my mum and her fiance left to London for the holidays. I planned on going out everyday with friends and stuff. I planned three sleepovers on the first week, two of them failed and I only had one. It really sucked because I wanted to make these holidays the best but, it's turning out to be the plan old boring ones I've always had, with mum bossing me around and not letting me out.

After the two sleepovers failed, I didn't even want to try for the second week. It's 4:42am, Monday morning, the start of the last week of freedom from the monster, (MUM). I inboxed three people out of five-hundred of my friends on Facebook, because these people were really the only people I felt like hanging with. Only two of them replied saying yeah, okay. Still, I have a feeling one of them is going to bail on me, for the third time.

Oh, on the other hand, I just started Mibba to show my story I've been working on, on my computer. I posted up the start of "Adolescence." That's the story, by the way. Please, if you have time, take a read of it and rate it!

~KittyKuri, xxx.
July 18th, 2011 at 07:33am