
well I've deiced that I'm a vegetarian now, i just told my family and my mom and my sister are supportive and well my brother and dad are too.... well kind of, they think it's wired but they still kind of support me by telling me how good i've been doing on not eating meat. I'm afraid too tell my friends because i think they'll think I'm some weird tree huger ( no offense to all the tree hugers out there lol) i mean i did this partly for the animals i just don't feel right eating them but i also did this because I'm a VERY picky eater and i've never really even liked most meats! and i will feel very accomplished to know that out of my WHOLE family I'm the only one who can go with out meat. well i have to get off the computer because my brother need its so i can't really write a lot. one last thing: does anyone know what it is called when you eat fish but you don't eat meat? i can't remember what it's called.-
July 19th, 2011 at 04:27am