American Men SUCK!!!

So today, while at summer camp being a junior counselor.. I met the most wonderful person ever.. Who? a nigerian boy. He was respectful, caring, honest, smart, and did i mention well mannered. I mean i have never seen nuthin like it. It was so refreshing like drinking a tall glass of water after hours of being in the scorching sun. Simply amazing. So we had a disscussion about his heritage his customs traditions, take on the world, and life in america. and i just couldnt believe my luck. Like how did i become so lucky to meet such an amazing person. Like wow.. I mean im not trying to bash on american men, or nothing (no offense to anyone at all) its just that after you meet someone who comes from another place with good morals and values and an even better accent, you cant help but shout in joy. Like i am in so much awe. Because for the first time in my life i felt like there was absoultely no games just honesty and maturity. Like this boy was 17 and so mature you would pass him for a man in his 20's. Wow!
July 19th, 2011 at 04:39am