Story Contest!

So, Ive decided to host my first story contest. :D

For what, You may ask?

Well, I know a lot of you are trying to get banners slash any type of image, for your stories and or other things you would want an image for, so for the story with the most votes, by the end of the deadline, can choose what kind of image they'd like as their winning >.>

I will choose three winners;
-First Place; The Most Votes.
-Second Place; The Most Story Comments.
-Third Place; The Most Subscribers.

These winners will then be entered into a One Shot contest where they will be given 5 words that the MUST incorporate into their One Shot. (The One Shot can be made into a story, but the 5 words MUST be in the first Chapter) More on that contest to be explained to the five winners.

If someone has the most of more than one of the above things, the next person with the most will win the place. If there is a tie, for any place, whoever tied for the place will be entered into the One Shot Contest.

Now, I bet you're wondering on the Theme of the Story?

I know, it's a bit cliche, BUT and there is a big but here, there are a number of ways one can go with a Romance Category.

You can have a love/hate relationship, a secret love for someone, anything like that.

The catch? It has to be a Romance featuring someone famous.

Now, you're all probably groaning, saying, "WHY?!" and calling me a bunch of profane names and such BUT I do have something up my sleeve >.>

This famous person can be ANYONE as long as theyre known by a good number of people; such as, a movie slash book character, an actor/actress, a cartoon character, a comic book character, a director, video game character, etc. Someone that a good chunk of people know (and I will be googling.) You can also have as many famous people in it as you'd like, but your two MAIN MAIN CHARACTERS have to have AT LEAST ONE famous person (:

The story doesnt have to be long (but stories with long chapters are greatly appreciated, as I love reading them :D lol) Also, it doesnt have to be made a one shot either. If you want to keep it going and make it into as long of a story as you can to rake in the comments/votes/subscribers as you can, then go for it!

There is a deadline, though.

From the moment this is posted, there will be ONE MONTH before I will end this, that way everyone will have a chance to enter and a chance to get as many votes, comments and subscribers as possible (:

To submit your entry, please comment below, with the following;
-Story Name
-Two Main Characters (or if you have more than 2, you can put all your main characters, but you mostly need 2)
-If you used a certain song to inspire you to write it, the name and artist of the song.
-Story Link

After I receive your comment, Ill go through, google the famous person you used if I havent heard of them already, and I will read your story and will subscribe and comment, this way everyone has at least one subscriber and one commenter to start off with (:

The quality of your story is not judged (by my any way) so dont worry too much over grammar or spelling, though some of your readers may protest.

Also, Please be sure that in your summary (somewhere) you have the link to this Post, the Name of your contest (can be used as the link) and the information that you need to comment here in it somewhere.
Broken-Hearted Mess's Romance Story Contest (<- Linked to this post)
-Famous Character Name Here & Other Main Character Name Here-
-Song inspiration Title and Artist, if used.

Also, one last thing.
Your Romance can be Girl-Girl, Girl-Boy, Boy-Boy and can have Sexually Explicit Material. There is not set rating for this, so any and all ratings are accepted (:

STORY ALSO HAS TO BE SOMETHING NEW! Nothing that you've had posted before this Journal will count; sorry ):

Have fun with this and I hope to see some entries!

Lots of Love<3
Broken-Hearted Mess.
July 19th, 2011 at 05:04am