Remember... when my friend left me?

Yes, it still bothers me.
though it was about three years ago,
when you all abandoned me,
left me on my own,
in my darkest times,
just because I changed,
walked around saying I was something I'm not,
because I began wearing black,
and calling myself emo,
for another reason you people never cared to ask.
How my life had fallen, and how badly I wanted to be accepted.
Not by you, you worthless beings.
But by my sister, who had gone where I could not reach, entered a world where I could not have followed.
You made me the outcast, the one everyone grew to hate.
I was given false imformation,
which you turned against me,
Yes, it still bothers me.
When you said those words, which I will never forget.
"We still hate you"
Do you still consider me a friend?
I wish you could see how I turned out.
I wish you could see how I stand out from everyone else.
With my neon jeans, my logoed shirts, my Marvel backpack.
And my extremely curly hair.
I wish you could see, how I'm afraid to trust anyone,
for what you did.
Can you tell, that I still go through depression?
That the smile on my face is fake?
That I don't know what laughter is?
July 19th, 2011 at 07:50am