Opinion On What Ronnie Radke and Oliver Sykes "Did" || Mini Rant || S my D || Questions?

So, Oliver Sykes... Is he really a prick like what he supposedly did to that one girl or not?

I am aware tat this happened like months and months ago, but I started to wonder. So there are two versions to this story:

1. There was a girl standing in the crowd and while Oliver was drunk up onstage, he threw a beer bottle in the audience and hit her in the head. This caused the bottle to break, and for her to have to bleed-age-ness.

2. Oliver and some girl were outside the venue and he was talking to her and wanted to get into her pants. She did not want Oliver in her pants and turned him down, thus making him angry and throwing a bottle at her head.

Now I can't believe that he would throw a bottle randomly like that, but people do stupid sh*t when they're drunk. I am more likely to believe that first rather than the latter.
Does anybody have information on the though? I feel like I need it cleared up in a sense. And so I can tell my boyfriend that he's just plain stupid and wrong when it comes to music news. That's my thing :]


So, Ronnie Radke... I don't like the sh*t that went down with his old band.

I mean, from what I've heard some guy killed himself, and since Ronnie was there and had a drug history he went to the big house. Then when Max G. heard he was going to jail he completely dumped Ronnie, yes? I guess I don't really get why the whole band was really mad at him, 'cause I tried looking up all this information on my own and only got really confused.

"You know what really grinds my gears?" :] Max at warped 2009. The new ETF was going to play The Flood, so he stepped up to the mike, and said something (not exactly his words) to the effect of this:
"This song is called: I'm addicted to drugs and can't keep my band."

Number one: When I heard this... "WHAT THE F*CK! D*CK MOVE MAN! D*CK MOVE!"

I mean, Max and Ronnie were best friends for 9 years, and Max threw it all away. Then I actually thought about the song and realized that IT WAS IN FACT about Ronnie, when I and am sure many others, thought it was about a girl or some sh*t.

Number two: Wasn't Max the one who gave or did the drugs with Ronnie in the first place? (From what I've heard and read)


So now I REALLY don't support Escape The Fate anymore. Besides, has anyone else noticed that when Craig took over he kinda tried to be Ronnie in a sense when he took over? I mean, he dressed like Ronnie, had his hair done similar to his, and even had that freaking mustache-beard-whatever-thing grown on his face....The exact. Same. Way.

Something to think about.. GO TEAM RONNIE! :]


I had a dream of stabbing my parental with a fork last night... *sigh* He and I don't get along the best....

Yesterday was trash day. I was going to take out the trash like I was supposed to but I was doing something before I took out the trash, yeah? I was going to do it... but after I finished what I was doing.... I kind of forgot.

So he comes in- well rips my door wide open and--

(For the record. My door to my room is broken. The thingy that goes into that little hole space in the doorway is brokes. I mean, like, somehow, it is pushed into the actual door part and wont come out.....)

--starts yelling at me that I need to get up right that second and take the trash out. So he put the trash barrel out to the street so the trash man could pick it up, and didn't bother to bring it back. So I had to get the damn barrel and bring it back. Took all the trash and put it in the barrel, then he started yelling at me again. Why? because there are 2 trash cans downstairs that only have 1 piece of paper in them each. Literally. So I took that out too.

Then went back to my room to sleep since it was only about 8 something. But realized I had to FIX MY DAMN DOOR!

(Since my door is broken, it doesn't close. So I have this shoelace tied around the door knob and a thumb tack in the wall, and I hook the shoelace on the thumb tack and voila! My door stays closed!)

So I found the thumb tack on the ground ripped out of the wall, fixed it and finally went back to sleep. I didn't think trash was a matter worth yelling over for.....


I like the song S my D by Blood on the Dance Floor :] I find it funny, and it reminds me of what my boyfriends says all the time to everyone. He's in Colorado right now... sad day. :/



1. If you know who they are, What your opinions on Both the Ronnie and Oliver things? And did I miss anything about that? Like, do I need to pay more attention or something?

2. What are some stupid things your parentals yell/have yelled at you for?

3. Does anyone else like Ronnie's new band Falling In Reverse?

4. What other music should I put in my itunes? I need more :]

5. How is your day so far Little Lovelies?

P.S. Sorry it's so long Lovelies. lol I had a lot on my mind :]
July 19th, 2011 at 08:47pm