Helping my friends friend get the word out about her Slash Film

Hello everyone who may come across this journal. If you don't like or care for slash talk this is the time to leave. However if you do like boy/boy stuff please continue on.

My friends friend is making a movie on a "Addicted" - a Slash Fiction Film and is in need of some support. If you can't make a donation, that's alright. Every view on her video counts. It may help break the homophobic era that our country is working its way into.

Here is the video link :

The rest down below is a pointless RANT I wanted to vent about

I believe it isn't right that only girl (lesbians) are okay but when people turn to boys kissing they get all disgusted. It isn't right. Love is love and it should be recognized as that and not just some "Disease"

Gay men/boy can't donate blood : that's bull
Gay men/boys are disgusted : that as well is bull
Gay men this and that : what if someone you thought was straight, and you cared for alot came out of the closet as a gay man? Would you automatically hate him for it?

Don't judge a book by its cover.

We should all be equal. Its a free nation yet some people are banning gay marriage? And even in one state someone banned the word 'gay' -_- I know it wont last long but still, they did it. I believe it was Tennessee.
July 20th, 2011 at 01:09am