So I failed my driver's test.

Last week that is. I tried for it on Tuesday, and they failed me for not having the car in the incorrect gear. Herpderp. But really, it was a careless mistake. He had asked me to back up and I forgot to put it back into drive after I was done. Oh well. I'm trying again on Thursday anyway.


And if you read my last journal, I've decided to go to my friend's wedding instead of the family reunion. Should be fun.


Another thing that happened last week: I got my braces off! After three and a half years. Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment at 9 AM for a check up, and polishing. I'm afraid I have a cavity in one of the teeth that had a brace around it. That'd be my fourth one ever. :( And two of them were pitfall cavities, so they were tiny.

I also have an appointment tomorrow to get my retainer. Joy. It's good though, because the gap between my front teeth is already starting to open back up. I'll always have a small gap there because of how my front teeth are shaped, but I don't want it to be any bigger than it has to be! Ughh.


And finally, my cousin, ubiquitous, and I will attempt to start a new story soon. :) I'm not going to say much about it, seeing as I don't know when we'll start it, but here's the layout: TOPSECRET

The layout is kind of bright for the story concept, but I like it. No more hints.


1. Do you have your license?
a. If so, how was your test?
b. If not, what do you want to do once you get your license?
2. What kind of wedding do you want? (Outside, inside, themed...etc.)
3. Have you had braces? For how long? Or do you have them?
July 20th, 2011 at 01:31am