NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I'm getting old! D:

I'm getting old in 25 days I'm going to turn 16! >_<
So that mean I'm going to have more responsibility i wanna stay as a kid! :(
so i can sing "I'm just a kid" by simple plan. Now i need to find a vampire so he/she can bite me and i wont get old but then....Immortal suck couse you will never die unless someone kill you! Or the sun burn your or the water! xD
So yeah I'm going to turn 16 in 25 days well I'm not interesting about sweet sixteen meh (don't over react like 'OMG why do you hate sweet sixteen party?!" WELL I KNOW! I will play hide n seek in sears in 3rd floor! Then um play the pocky game get drunk with candy! In the mall. I'm not really into those type of party i like party but in my own childish way :3
Well it seen that I'm almost turning adult *shrug* i don't wanna be adult i wanna be a young girl that is narcissistic doesn't give a f*ck about almost everything love to watch anime and being awesome!!!!!!
I hope one of my friend buy me present like a drawing book with crayola! OwO If someone give me a Slytherin jacket, a pentegram necklance and/or the necklace that the German and Prussian military use/used them (Eh i dont know if the modern German military still use that type of nacklace i forgot what it call) And now changing the subject if i had a time machine i will go to
1939 (I know there was WWI but im just curios how those people react those stuff and see if Prussia was Allies or Axis)
1797 (I know that was the Napoleonic war but i wanna visit Prussia)
1994! (There no war! xD) 90`s is just a magical thing and i wanna see nirvana! <_<
1961 when they put the Berlin wall
1989 If im correct that was the fall of the Berlin wall ^_^
So yeah i like history! xD
If you had a time machine what century/year you going to visit? xD
July 20th, 2011 at 02:07am