July 20th 2011

So. I joined Mibba yesterday, only because I wanted to read a story a few of my friends wrote. Then I find out this is a website for aspiring authors? Believe you me, I am not author. None the less, I can use this to write about random stuffs and get feedback.. It's not that bad. And I can just get a load off of my chest, and all of you guys can read it and keep yourselves entertained. Who knows, maybe I'll make some friends his way? People might subscribe to my entries so they have something to read for the hell of it. And here is a perfect example of just that! So today I have been reading Love Among The Pizza Boxes. At least, TRYING to read. Something always comes up and I have to take care of it. Per say, a leak, or a clogged toilet, or yard work, or car work, or moving something that weighs three times as much as I do(which by the way, I have done all of these at least once today... no joke). So I ended my reading around chapter 41, and the book is just SOOO intriguing....(much love to the authors). I decided to get some more work done and get offline. As I get the extension cord and mower, I attempt to push open the gate so I can move to the front yard. Well, one of the retards that live in the house with me broke the fence and failed to mention it to the rest of us. It collapses, and I am stuck with another chore to do that I hadn't planned on. No big deal, right? Wrong. This fence is big, and I seriously could have used help trying to fix it. Since no one really cares, I'm stuck fixing this large gate by myself. To make things that much worse, I had no cement, or any proper tools to fix it. I had to use rope, cinder blocks, and a few large planks of wood hold that sucker in place. It took me half an hour of wrestling with this large metal beast, it falling on my head, cutting up my hands and no help what so EVER so get it in place. After I had won that battle, I realized that one of the two dogs wasn't in my back yard anymore, but making a break for it down the street. So I take off after him, and I chased him around my block about 5 times and I tripped over a pot hole that the little neighborhood devils disguised as little kids had dug out behind my house, next to the irrigation ditch. this proceeded to further damage my body because I landed face first. So, blood running down my face I continued to chase this dog. We wound up running through the cemetery right by my house. After another couple of minutes I managed to tackle the dog and bring him home. As you can probably imagine, I an pretty irked by this point. I head hurts from a huge gate falling on it, my hands are stinging from the cuts, my body in general is just sore, and I swallowed a great deal of blood that pas pouring out of my face. Now that this adventure was over and done with, I still had to finish the job I had originally set out to do. I mowed the lawn, dug up a few dead bushes and that took the rest of my energy. At this point, I figured I was done with the BS of the day, right? Wrong again! My mom comes home after she had been out drinking, and the first thing she does is start drinking again, what the heck? The two lazy fat roommates have this annoying poodle that poops and pees EVERYWHERE. And the wont even clean i up, I have to do it. So I decided that I am done with reality today and am currently blaring music. I then thought "Why not write a journal on Mibba? You already have an account and people will sit down and read this stuff." So here I am, writing this out for you. And It feels good to be able to get this off my chest, and you all have the option to read or not read. So, if you took the time to read this far, thank you :D. I'm sure there will be plenty more in the not to distant future. You all have a great rest of the day and or night and or morning... whatever the time happens to be in your [part of the world.
July 20th, 2011 at 04:22am