Creepy Houses & Hamlet Hermit Crabs.

So I'm house & pet sitting (+maid & gardening) & The house is legit giving me the creeps. When I'm in the tub I hear a piano playing with out the owners owning a piano. When I am walking I heard a door slam. There's a million other things. The house is 3/4ths of a mile to it's mailbox for cripe's sake. I'm here alone til next week ooh joy! But i'm getting paid good money for it. Other than that it's been seriously boring here. So my friend has been telling me stories about bears and hermit crabs.

So i'm watching some kind of show called akward on MTV, man that would suck.

I have way too much to pay for. I have tuition, books, apartment, dues, big/lil stuff, trip to san diego to see my friend, grad trip, trip to saudi arabia. Least I got a job. Not like it'll come close to covering it but it might make a dent at least.

July 20th, 2011 at 05:17am