Kitty Issues | Questions

I love cats! and kittens are just adorable but sometimes they like to test your patience and it's so frustrating. So my friend and I are now living with each other and so is her cat.
He finds the underside of my bed very appealing. He's already managed to rip the white fabric of the box spring and if he makes it past me he'll go hide up in there for hours!
I don't mind him in my room or closet because I can get him if he starts causing mayham and I've tried to cat proof the open end of my bed with blankets and junk on the floor but now I look like a hobo and my room doesn't stay clean.
I've tried mending the fabric under the bed so he can't climb into the box spring but he's already managed to rip out what I had done. No front claws only back claws!?
I've tried shutting the door to my room during the day but the summer heat comes in through the walls on the one side of my room because the idiot who built the house forgot to put insulation on there. SO if I keep my door closed my room turns into a sauna.

I don't know what to do with him anymore, and I don't want to have to keep smacking him when he tries to go under my bed because I know he's just curious. I can be as mean as I want to him but he just doesn't get it =\
Kittens are like children but they learn so much differently =(

1. Have you ever had a bad cat ?
2. What can I do to keep this kitten out from under my bed?
July 20th, 2011 at 12:56pm