Stupid, judgemental people!!!!

I hate the way people always fail to see what you are good at instead of always highlighting the negavtive. I mean why the heck do i even try if all your guna do is complain and nag. Oh you dont do this, and you don't do that. Well excuse me for making mistakes since im not perfect. And while your talking neither are you. Like i just hate that. Everybody is so quick to judge and criticize on every little thing you do. I mean, im not a perfect little person. I make mistakes and yes i will not always do what im supposed to do, but then again, you dont either. So im like before you ever start to judge or nag think about your own little sorry situation. I mean you aint much of a success either. From my point of view. And it seems to me, that maybe you hate on me because im a reflection of what you wanna be.
July 20th, 2011 at 01:39pm