Tears. This year has been such an amazing blur. I'm going to miss it a ton.

Tears. Every where, surrounding me.
Shit. This year has gone by so fast. It was my last year at Armstrong, which means I'm now moving. The tears wouldn't stop flowing. I've grown so much together with my friends. I need them to survive.. they made me who I am. I wasn't a loving person when I first met them, and they shaped and molded the icy figure I was into an actual person. The greif I am feeling is overwhelming. I am loosing people that I hold close to my heart. Next year, there are promises that I will have the shit beaten out of me... I'm not afraid, but terrified that I will turn back into that block of ice.
I'm sitting in the middle of a tornado of emotion, wondering if I should be happy for finally moving on and out of elementary school(I'm a year behind), and moving on to high school. I had always thought I would spend my secondary school years with my friends, even if we would grow apart. I never realised that I would be moving across the city to a huge high school, where I only know kids who hate me and who have picked on me for years. I never realised that my life would be passing by so quickly. I can still remember the feeling of walking into my pre-k room, and meeting kids like erin. I remember walking into my grade two classroom in an entirely new school, and immediatly at recess break getting beaten up by boys who dispised my guts for an unknown reason. I remember when they made up "cassandra germs" and convinced everyone in the school that I was infected with some sort of disease and shouldn't have friends. I remember in grade 5 when I finally got sick of the abuse and beat someone up. I was expelled, and sent to a resource program at armstrong where I met cassidy, cory, cona, april, milagro, erika, nikita, gloria, tearrah, and andrew, and they softened the hard, un-emotional me into a person. I remember cona and cory graduating last year, and now I'm expeiriancing myself leaving elementary school for something entirely different.
I hope secondary school will move me even farther into the arts than I am, I hope I can improve with my writing, and I hope I can make new friends, without loosing touch with my old ones.

sorry for the long rant, but I cant stop crying.. and I wanted to say something.
June 28th, 2007 at 09:23pm