Who cares about Justin Beiber?? I sure don't....

I am so sick and tired of hearing about Justin Beiber. Like, i know its kind of hypocritical for me to say something like that being that me, myself use to be all obsessed. Its's just that over time, i have become how do you say it? " annoyed". Like okay, so what if he's famous. He is just another regular human being just like the rest of us. There is nothing unique about him. So what if he could sing, i know many unfamous people who could also sing, some even better than him. And to worship the ground he stands, is weirdly insane. And i hate how he has become so cocky and conceited. Im dissapointed that he has failed to remanin humble and grateful for his success. Looks like he let it all go to his head and his ego has grown wider and wider by the interview. If you dont believe me, check it! Check the interviews from the beginning to now, and you would see the change. Cocky self centered, boy. Shake my head, and i thought he was different. So all you justin beiber lovers it's time for you to admit it. Blah!
July 20th, 2011 at 10:10pm