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I can't say I'm good with words. I can't say I'm good in explaining. Damn, when I see something like "Explain why things move....." on my testpaper I'd be like: "I CAN'T."

My English teacher asked the class to choose representatives to talk about "Honesty." And I'm one of they chose. It was horrible. I didn't show up. Nor did I prepare my 3 minute speech. Because once again, I am not good in words. I don't use difficult words in my essays. I think better than write. I'm not good in essay writings. I'm too lazy to think of ideas.

Now this is what I think of Honesty. Honesty is a lonely word. It is. Because we all lie. We can't survive without lying. (ex. "Do you have extra gum?" , "NO") I lie a lot. I'm a hypocrite. We all are. We all say we hate liars, but we ourselves are one. Should I hate myself?

We lie to cover up our mistakes. We lie to prevent further arguments. We lie.

Honesty is the key to a successful relationship. Honesty can break trust too. When someone lies to me once, I give them another chance. But then, hearing the same lies makes me immune.

I need to stop now. :)
July 21st, 2011 at 01:29pm