Boys.. LEARN TO RESPECT HER!!! (Girls must read)

She's not a bitch. She's not a whore. Shes not a slut, trick, or any of the above. She is a woman. A human being with emotions, feelings, intelligence, and wisdom. She is a queen. One who manifests great talent, beauty, and power. One who has the gift of carrying life in their womb. One who has the honor to be called a mother. One who is highly blessed to be the nurturing figure of the future. She is highly favored. She is amazing. And i will and refuse to sit here and listen to how men of the world disrespect her. Tell her she is worthless, tell her that she is just a smash buddy. Tell her that she is ugly and no body can ever love her. For those who told those lies, you are a failure, you are un worthy, you are ugly, and no one can love you. For how can you speak such negative into a person who is worth more than all the gold in the world. How can you be so cruel and insensitive to her thoughts and emotions. For you are not what you think you are, but what you prove to the people around you. For your actions define your character, your words define your thoughts, your negativity define your insecurities. So whenever you get the feeling to speak another negative word, think another vulgar word, act on another disrepectful thought, you just stop and remember. That she is not a bitch. She's not a whore. She's not a slut, trick or any of the above. She is a woman. And you will treat her like the queen she is!!
July 22nd, 2011 at 02:02am