
So umm....yeah. I really need a new monologue, and I figure since what I'm going through could be a monologue, let's make it one. it is

Halo(Halo is a teenage girl. Not completely sure of who she is, or what she wants. She has just gone through a breakup,in which she originally broke up with him. In the end,when she realizes her mistake, her ex has decided to tell her to leave him alone and forget he existed. She, astonished at the statement, regrets ever leaving him, and sinks into a state of shock, then depression, then anger. The monologue is to be from her bedroom, preferably, and her talking to herself.)

Halo-(On bed:DL)I just don't understand. I don't understand what I did to make him say that. (Cries out) WHAT DID I EVERY DO?! Maybe I was a child. Maybe everyone was right. He was two years older. But I thought I was mature enough to handle it. I thought he was someone else. Sweet, sensitive, caring, and wouldn't ever want to hurt me. (Stares blankly, then gets off bed, and moves to dresser-UCL-riffles through pictures) We were so happy. He told me he loved me and that I was gorgeous. That he never met a girl quite like me. I know. It all sounds fake, but it was real. It sounded so real. I shouldn't have broken up with him. I was being stupid. I just wanted more attention that I didn't deserve. I just want to know where my Devante went. Where is he?! Where is the boy who told me "you are amazing. Through everything, you remain strong, and even more amazing. I love you for that." Who said that to me?! (Cries out) HUH?! WHO SAID THAT?! I WANT TO KNOW! PLEASE! Please....if you ever loved me at all you will tell me why you told me to go away. I didn't think I did anything. I tried so hard, not to be an innocent little 13 year old girl. I tried to live up to you. But now you put me back in my place...(Crosses to bed) I love you Devante. (Puts head on pillow. Goes to sleep)

It was pretty bad. But that's what I really want to say, so that's it.
July 22nd, 2011 at 05:54am