grrr =[ so much sh*t

Ok so I know I haven`t posted anything in the longest time and thats mostly because I haven`t really wanted to know how hurt my ex was. But now I miss him a little even though I still don`t want him in my life I miss him. I miss a lot of people right now but mostly him. I`ve been really tired lately too... I get these random vibe things and I talked to my mom about it and she said I might be one of these people that can send out their energy to other people. soo I`m starting to think that I`m sending out energy to him. But I don`t know =/ wish I knew what`s going on with my weird subconciouse( probably spelt that wrong) but it`s whatever. So right now I`m grounded until next friday. Sucking up as much as I can to get off early wish me luck.
July 22nd, 2011 at 07:13am