All fans should read this!

So here is what's going on:

1) It's Summer

2) Constant vacations with shitty wifi

3) Most likely moving this month or next

4) Ballet practices

And here is what's going on with my stories:

1) I am going to edit all of them, fixing grammar and spelling mistakes, and possibly adding a lot of description.

2) Writing new ones whenever I can (It probably won't be often as I don't have time to come up with new ideas. I'm not going to leave either story unfinished, I promise. I'm just not going to finish them quickly.)

3) I want you guys to know that I've decided "The Vampires' Last Sacrifice isn't going to be as long as the original, but still pretty long.

4) I've been getting a lot of complaints about the mature content of my stories. Let me say this now: If you are under 16 and immature: DO NOT READ!

Thanks for reading <3
July 23rd, 2011 at 01:23am