
I don't really expect anyone to read this. And... I don't need anyone to. But, I really need to rant and get this off of my chest.

My family is getting on my last nerve. I'm an impatient, irritable and intolerant person. I know that. But... I just can't stand being around them.

Let's start with my brother, because he's the one that pisses me off the most. He ALWAYS... and I mean it when I say ALWAYS whines and bitches (I think he gets it from me). He's constantly hanging off of my mom giving her some sob story. And he's so CLINGY! I don't understand people who are extremely clingy like that... I don't have that personality. I just wish my brother was more of a fucking man. He needs to grow a pair and stop being a momma's boy. He's 12 now. He doesn't need to be going to her like a baby all the time.

Then there's my mom and dad. They are ALWAYS making little remarks to try and piss each other off. I'm always thinking, "Do you two really need to do that? Is that necessary?" My mom sometimes tells me that she doesn't get why I'm always irritated. It's not hard to be irritated when you have parents who are about as mature around each other as six year olds. And my mom is always getting on my case about my attitude. She thinks I'm the most horrible child ever. She told me that once. I had to bite my tongue and stop myself from saying something back. I'm a straight A student, I don't go out and party, and I'm on a varsity sports team. If she thinks I'm the worst child ever, that bitch needs a reality check.

Then there's my dad. He ignores me all the time, and when he isn't ignoring me, he's yelling at me for something stupid. I'm used to that by now though. I almost like it better than when he tries to have a normal conversation with me. Cause when he tries to be civilized towards me, I seriously sit there looking at him like, "What the fuck are you doing dad?"

I know I need to be more patient and understanding. My brother is probably the way he is because I treat him so poorly. I know that my self esteem was shot because of bullying, and
I wasn't even bullied by a sibling. But every time I tell myself I'm going to be nicer, he does something to annoy me. And I mean, he does it on purpose. My mom wants me to sit there, be mature, and take it, but I just say fuck that! I mean, really? Why am I supposed to keep my mouth shut? I already get in trouble for having a big mouth, so I might as well just keep it going.

Anyways, sorry for the ridiculously long rant about my family and how much I hate them sometimes.
July 23rd, 2011 at 05:18am