A Summer of Nothing

Sophmore summer was supposed to be amazing. Soccer, guys, and work, right? WRONG. SO VERY WRONG. The most exciting thing i've done was Get swimmer's ear. YAY. High achool is supposed to be the best time of your life, but i think im getting the short end of the stick here. School is a drag and the peoplebin it are worse than all maths combined. Ignorance is bliss as they say & _HS is pretty blissfull. My life feels like a TV episode where the main character is stuck living the same day over and over. I feel life i'm failing at life and there is no way i can get back on traxk. no boyfriend either...i feel the weird urge to wear a long floral skirt & a grandma mask with tens of cats surrounding me...that's how the end will be anyway! i must sound insane but that's where i am now...CABIN FEVER. Someone ask me to hang out or I might just have to buy a cat...or two...
July 24th, 2011 at 08:55am